oMail-admin 1.2 - Help [ Close ]  


  • In order to use this control panel, your domain must be fully established on your web server account. [top]
  • Terms:
    • Email Address - example:
    • Domain Name - example:
    • Mailserver - your web host's web server name or server number.
    • Catchall - the default email account "mail." All email sent to goes to this account by default (excluding aliases or additional email accounts you have set up).
    • Spam - unsolicited broadcast or commercial email. [top]


  • Menu subjects:
    • No. - line number.
    • Email - email account name (accounts in red have settings status or save turned "off").
    • Note or Info - notes regarding the account name, editable in the action "Edit".
    • Fwd? - identifies whether forwarding is "on" or "off." Set forwarding in the action "Edit."
    • Autoreply or Autoresponder - identifies whether an automatic reply upon email receipt is turned "on" or "off."
    • Action - an action is a user editable option or setting. See below for details. [top]


  • Action:
    • Edit - the edit option allows you to add a note about the email account name, change password, and set forwarding. See below for details.
      • Password - to change password, enter the new password twice, in the boxes provided.
      • Fwd - forward to an internal account with the pull down menu, and/or forward to a combination of accounts in the boxes provided.
        • Note: If you turn forwarding "on" email will continue to be saved in the account. If you do not wish to save forwarded email, see action "Settings" and turn account status to "off."
    • Autoreply or Autoresponder - by default, autoreply is set to "off." To set your autoreply message, choose "on" in the pull down menu; enter your from address, for example, or "Your Name <>"; enter subject, text and submit to save.
      • Special characters available:
        • '%S' will enter the subject in the autoreply.
      • If you turn autoresponder "on" email will continue to be saved in the account. If you do not wish to save autoreplied email, see action "Settings" and turn account status to "off."
      • By default, your autoresponder will only reply once per hour to a given sender (prevents autoresponders from infinitely replying back and forth to other autoresponders).
    • Settings - by default, email account status is set to "on." If you turn account status to "off," email will not be saved locally, nor will it bounce. This feature is helpful if for example you are receiving large volumes of email from a spammer and wish to permanently or temporarily disable the account. Note: If you are forwarding email, it is recommended that you turn the status of the account you are forwarding to "off."
      Otherwise, all email sent to the account will be saved as well. See action Fwd description above.
      • Hard quota, soft quota, message count and message size - these options can be used to limit the volume or size of email sent to the individual account.
      • Expiry - If an expiration is set, email sent to the account after the expiration date will be returned to sender as "expired."
    • Delete - this action is not reversible. All email saved in the deleted account will be deleted as well. [top]


  • Alias - Why alias?
    • An alias is a simple email redirect option. Email is not saved, and an alias has no special settings (e.g., autoreply, quotas or password).
    • System account: an account used by the server for special purposes; normally cannot be edited. [top]


  • Special Notes:
    • .qmail-name files (.e.g., .qmail-mail, .qmail-example, .qmail-autorespond, etc.) - If prior to using this program .qmail-name files were manually uploaded to your account to set forwarding or autoresponder, these files may take precedence over the settings you enter here.
      • If you notice that forwarding for example is not working, check your account to see if these .qmail-name files are in place.*
      • If these files are in place ask your system administrator to delete them.
      • *Do not delete the email system files: .qmail or .qmail-default
    • Spam? You can use aliases to bounce spam sent to your account.
      • First, ask your admin. to create a "trash" mailbox account. Name the mailbox "trash" or any name you wish.
      • Second, set the "trash" mailbox "Settings" -> "Expiry" to a date prior to today.
        • All email sent to or forwarded to "trash" will bounce.
      • Now create aliases for addresses frequently used by spammers, and set those addresses to forward to "trash."


  • Create/edit/delete/enable/disable mailboxes and aliases
  • Administrator (all rights) and single user (can only change his own account) access
  • Full autoresponder support (edit/enable/disable)
  • Session expiration set for security
  • Domain name based quotas (how many mailboxes/aliases, autoresponder y/n, etc.)
  • User based quotas (hard/soft disk quota, message size, expiry)
  • Lynx-browser support (and other cookie-free browsers). [top]

Help Updated: 10-Sep-01

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